#shigure romance
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dixondean · 1 year ago
Tohru and Kyo really invented romance and true love 🩷🧡
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sleepypandazzz09 · 9 months ago
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How did Dungeon Meshi get so popular but Kemono Michi is almost unknown. The anime didn’t get very far but the manga is hilarious so it’s such a shame.
The scene I’m referring to.
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cinderella-ish · 11 months ago
Kyo, Momiji, and the beach trip that changed everything (part 4 of 5)
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So, the beach arc is one of the best parts of the beautiful story that is Fruits Basket. Functionally, it's the midpoint, occurring from chapters 54-65 (out of 136) of the manga, and episodes 31-35 (out of 63) of the anime.
What is the midpoint in story structure? From author K.M. Weiland's site Helping Writers Become Authors:
As the centerpiece of the story, the Midpoint in many ways encapsulates the entire point of the story. Plot, character arc, and theme all coincide here (more obviously even than usual) to provide the protagonist with at least the opportunity to see the world in a different and potentially more functional way than previously. Depending on what the character realizes and accepts at the Midpoint, he should be able to use this new knowledge to move onward more effectively toward the plot goal.
In the article I linked above, Weiland talks about the two halves of the story's midpoint: first is the plot revelation, where something key about the external plot is revealed to the protagonist; and second is the moment of truth, where the protagonist uses that new information to change their perspective on the story.
For Tohru, the main protagonist, the plot revelation is when Akito reveals that the cursed Sohmas will all return to her and Kyo will be confined after graduation. The moment of truth is when she decides she wants to break the curse.
For Yuki, second protagonist, the plot revelation is that Tohru was the little girl he saved all those years ago, and the moment of truth is that it's time for him to "open the lid" and accept his feelings for what they are.
Even Hiro experiences his own midpoint shift. His plot revelation is that Tohru, like him, has her own feelings hidden deep in her heart, and that she covers up her pain with a smile. His moment of truth is that he wants to stop taking out his frustration on Tohru.
So, let's look at the beach arc as it pertains to Momiji and Kyo and their character arcs.
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First, we have this cute little moment where Momiji comes to let Kyo know about the trip.
Momiji: Kyo! Hey, Kyo. You sick? Kyo: I'm tired. I don't have the energy to talk to you. Get out. Momiji: Got it. *inhales* We're going to the vacation house tomorrow, so get packed! Kyo: (angrily) You don't get it! (calmly) Wait, tomorrow? To the vacation house? Momiji: Yep! Kyo: Don't 'Yep' me! Momiji: Wah! Kyo hit me! But you'll come, right? You won't say no, right? Right? Kyo: Stop bugging me. Momiji: Tohru will be sad if you don't come. We'll play together! We'll swim together! Kyo: I said to stop bugging me! I never said I wouldn't go. Sheesh. I'm so tired. Momiji: You've gotten nicer. Kyo: Huh? Momiji: Nothing! Oh yeah, I'm gonna catch stag beetles! And Hercules beetles! Kyo: You're being serious?
I love that Momiji is consistently the one to invite Kyo to do things. While Yuki is helping Tohru finish her homework, Momiji tells Kyo about the trip in the most obnoxious way possible. Kyo gets annoyed, naturally, and gives Momiji a bonk on the head. Momiji pretends to cry (as usual), but then asks Kyo if he'll come.
Momiji seems genuinely worried that Kyo won't come, and goes right for Kyo's weak spot to manipulate him, saying, "Tohru will be sad if you don't come."
I also love the soft look on Momiji's face when he says to Kyo, "You've gotten nicer." Cuuuuuute.
After they arrive, there are a few cute moments in the first day or so at the beach. When Momiji points out Tohru's swimming and Kyo goes to rescue her (because he knows she's holding her breath), he asks Momiji to teach her how to breathe while swimming. Here, Kyo demonstrates a great deal of trust in Momiji. Tohru's safety is the most important thing to him, and he's trusting Momiji to look out for her safety, too.
I also love Momiji's comment when Yuki baits Kyo into staying in the water to race. "They should just swim like normal people. How childish." Yeah, okay Momiji.
Later (and this may be a change for the anime, as I couldn't find it in the manga), when they're all looking at the beetles, Momiji says Kyo is the person who taught him the sugar water trick.
But soon, Akito arrives, and everything changes.
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This is a great scene for understanding how Akito operates as an abuser, but to keep the focus on Kyo, it's when Akito brings up Tohru that Kyo's entire demeanor changes. He'd been crying, begging Akito to stop, at his lowest point both literally and figuratively, when Akito shifts the conversation from Kyo's mother (and, in his mind, Kyoko) to Tohru, and her reaction to his True Form.
He immediately shifts from self-pity to fear and then anger, yelling back at Akito, defending Tohru from Akito's accusations, even when Akito is yelling at him to shut up. Suddenly, he falls quiet, and we hear his internal monologue:
She knew that if she let go of my hand, I would never return. That I might never return to anybody. She didn't take up all my pain. She didn't fill in all the brokenness. But those... those weren't important. The most important thing was that she stayed with me. Finding joy in the smallest things, being happy and smiling so cheerfully... Why? She should think of herself more. Why? Doesn't she think she's getting the short end of the stick? She thinks that she's stupid, or that there's nothing good about her.
And then we see Momiji and hear his voice.
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It's a waste of time to think about loss or life getting harder. The traveler never thought about that stuff. Even if other people think that makes her an idiot, I just don't. That's all. Yuki, Kyo, What about you? What do you think when you close your eyes?
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We then see Kyo with his hands over his eyes, interspersed with images of Tohru and the sound of her saying his name, as he lowers his hands and looks directly at the camera, articulating exactly how he feels about Tohru.
I love you. I love you so much. Just as you are.
It's a great callback to The Foolish Traveler, and the way Momiji closed his eyes when he was reflecting on how he interpreted the story, opening them when he realized he saw it differently than his classmates.
The sequence where Kyo finally realizes his feelings for Tohru is beautiful, possibly one of the best-done sequences in the anime. It's painful and moving and both Yuma Uchida and Jerry Jewell deliver gorgeous performances as Kyo. This is Kyo's plot revelation.
But most importantly (for the purposes of this series of posts, at least), it's Momiji whose voice Kyo hears at this crucial moment. It's Momiji whose words lead Kyo to realize he's in love with Tohru.
There's a lot that happens between Kyo's revelation that he loves Tohru and when he finds her on the beach that evening, but it's less important to the relationship between Kyo and Momiji, so I won't include it in this post.
What is important, though, is Kyo's moment of truth. The thing he decides is to spend as much time with Tohru as possible while he's still free.
I love you. I don't want to take anything else from you. I don't want to trample you ever again. At some point, I hoped we could always be together somewhere far off, but I won't hope that anymore. I won't hope that I could make you my own anymore. I won't hope that, so please, at least... at least be by my side for the time I have left. I want to be with you. Until we're separated far apart.. until the last moment.
I wonder who put that idea in his head?
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In the next episode, we get this conversation between Kyo and Momiji.
Momiji: Kyo, Akito didn't call you in tomorrow, right? Kyo: Nope. Momiji: Really? If I thought, 'Good for you,' would you get mad? Kyo: I wondered why you all abandoned Tohru as you were told like good little kids. But I see. If you prioritized Tohru over Akito, Akito would get mad, huh? That would just make Tohru look bad. You guys, including Yuki, were protecting Tohru from Akito, huh? Momiji: You make it sound like we were doing such a good thing. But that's not it. We've- I've been doing it all wrong. I'm selfish for wanting to make memories with Tohru, despite everything. I'm selfish for loving Tohru so much. Kyo: I'm selfish, too. Momiji: Hmm? Kyo: Never mind. Anyway, weren't you going on about watching something on TV earlier? Tohru: Momiji-kun! Kyo-kun! Momiji: I was so scared! Kyo was trying to mug me! Tohru: What? Kyo: Seriously, you think I'm some delinquent?!
They both display a vulnerability and honesty here that they've really only shown before to Tohru. Kyo's reflecting on his anger at Yuki, and Momiji's being much more straightforward than he usually is, stating his realizations as they're coming to him, rather than using them to manipulate. I also love the detail of Momiji correcting from "We've" to "I've." It really shows the change in his maturity that occurred during this arc.
I see this as Momiji's plot revelation, that fun isn't the most important thing when you love someone.
This is also the first time Kyo verbalizes his feelings for Tohru out loud, if obliquely. When he smiles to himself and says, "I'm selfish, too," he's referencing what Momiji just said, that he's selfish for loving Tohru so much. It's notable that the first time he does this is in front of Momiji, even if he doesn't repeat it when it's clear Momiji didn't hear what he said.
I think, from this point on, Momiji and Kyo are trusted confidants for each other. This will come up more in part 5, but I really just love the way their relationship matures here.
And then, Akito returns.
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This is one of the most harrowing sequences in the anime. We know Akito's already in a bad mood, we know she blames Tohru for taking away her Zodiac, and we've seen exactly how she abuses those she serves as god.
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Momiji: Akito. What are you doing here so late? Akito: I came to see Honda Tohru-san. I have to return home suddenly, you see. But I haven't seen Honda Tohru-san yet. Momiji: Right now? But Tohru's most likely sleeping. Akito: Wake her. Momiji: No. Akito, you're mad right now, right? You'll take out your anger on her, huh? Akito, what's wrong? Why are you so mad? Did something happen? Akito: Something happen? What? Why do you need to know? You want to get to know me? To understand me? Why? [Akito punches Momiji] Akito: You make me sick! Understand? Understand me? You just want to belittle me! You just want to define me by your twisted logic, to paint me as a villain! Tohru: Stop, please! Momiji: T- Tohru: Sto- stop, please! Akito: Stop? You're giving me an order. Terrible. Terrible. You're not a very nice person. Momiji: Akito! Akito: But Tohru. Honda Tohru, I was kind enough to come see you. I don't care how disrespectful you are to me. There's... there's something I came to tell you. Don't be so full of it, scum. You might think you saved Yuki and Kyo. Better take that arrogance down a notch right now. Let me tell you something. I'll tell you. Kyo, you see, after high school, will be confined. Just like the previous cat, confined for life.
It's here that we see Momiji is no longer there. In the manga, we see Momiji run away. Akito and Tohru's conflict continues, but I want to focus on Momiji's actions here.
When he understands the situation, he starts gently, reasoning that Tohru is probably sleeping. When that doesn't work, he moves to defy his god in order to protect her.
When Tohru shows up and puts herself between Momiji and Akito, Momiji is clearly upset. He'd only wanted to keep her from getting hurt, and now she's trying to protect him. He feels like he's failed, but the danger is still happening. When Akito takes Tohru by the head and starts telling her about Kyo's impending confinement, he runs for help.
Momiji likely blames himself for Tohru getting hurt. It was his idea to go to the beach house, and he angered Akito before Tohru arrived. His moment of truth is that he needs to focus on protecting Tohru and consider her safety in the future.
I wonder where he got that idea.
It's worth noting that this scene happens the same night as his hallway conversation with Kyo. While Kyo was beginning to understand that fighting isn't the only way to protect someone, and that sometimes you need to keep your head down and play the role in which you've been cast in order to protect someone, Momiji was learning the opposite lesson, that sometimes, you need to acknowledge the hard truths about a situation, that fun and pleasure don't erase pain, and that some things are worth fighting for.
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Akito and Tohru's conflict ends when Kureno arrives and takes Akito back to the estate. Next, Shigure and Hatori arrive, and when Tohru asks why they're there, Shigure reveals where Momiji ran off to.
Shigure: Momicchi ran to me in terror. I didn't know what was wrong. Tohru: Is Momiji-kun hurt!? Where's Momiji-kun!? Hatori: Don't worry. He's right there. Tohru: Momiji-kun! Momiji-kun, are you all right?
Momiji tries to smile, but he can't, and he breaks down instead.
We've seen Momiji fake cry dozens of times before now. We've seen real tears from him only twice: once when he told Tohru about his mother (and even then, it was only after he transformed that he let himself cry), and once on Kisa's behalf, when he was telling the others about her bullying, and that he imagined how he'd feel if people laughed every time he spoke.
But this is the first time we've seen him break down.
Again, Momiji is blaming himself for what happened. He sees the mark on Tohru's face, and he knows she got hurt even worse after he left. He's upset that she ended up protecting him instead. He believes he's failed in every way. It's a feeling Kyo's incredibly familiar with.
But even though Momiji thinks he's responsible for Tohru getting hurt, everyone acknowledges he did something very difficult and brave.
Shigure: Well, Momicchi really hung in there. Compared to him, look at the other young folk. Hatori: Compared to him, look at us... right?
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It's then revealed that Yuki, Kyo, and Haru were watching from just inside, and Haru was physically holding Kyo back from intervening.
Haru: See, Akito left. I told you Momiji would get the older ones. Kyo: I'm so pathetic I could puke.
Kyo is ashamed that he didn't act, even though he knows it wouldn't have helped, and might have gotten Tohru hurt worse.
Momiji and Kyo both feel responsible, but by thinking themselves responsible, they belie the fact that they don't hold the other person responsible. Kyo sees that Momiji actually did something, that he stood up to Akito, while he stood back and let Tohru get hurt. Momiji isn't upset that no one else stood up to Akito beside him. He's not even sure that was the right thing to have done.
But they're both wrong, of course. The only person who's actually responsible for Tohru getting hurt is Akito.
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Thankfully, the arc ends with a nice moment of everyone enjoying fireworks together. They've all changed, but some things will always be the same.
Momiji: Let's do some sparklers together! Tohru: Okay! Momiji: Kyo! Come do them with us, Kyo! Kyo: So annoying. Just do them without me!
Yuki then baits Kyo into joining them, and the four sit together and do fireworks.
Even after everything that's happened, Momiji's still the one who invites Kyo to join in the fun.
Momiji and Kyo: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
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aleapintoreverie · 7 months ago
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fruits basket (2019)
i gotta say that the older version of fruits basket was rly slow. i am liking the new version wayy more, almost done w season 1 and it’s funnier and has an oomph to it idk how to explain
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1sessizliginsesi · 2 years ago
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adhdheather · 2 years ago
i love watching fruits basket w my friends who havent seen it before, but also i never know how to react when ppl are fully convinced yuki and tohru are gonna get together (this has happened at least 4 different times)
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curried-mermaid · 1 year ago
Manga Review: Fruits Basket
We often forget that love is more than just romantic. Natsuki Takaya does an excellent job delving into the human heart and analyzing the different ways people fall in love. Tohru, your average bakadere, accomplishes this just by being herself and soothing the other character’s hearts. She listens to them and says exactly what they need to hear most, even if it comes out weird. Takaya doesn’t portray romance like we normally see in anime or in western media. She focuses on how unconditional love can heal all wounds.
            A perfect example of this theme is when Tohru helps Yuki (the dandere) defend his ‘secret base’ (a small vegetable garden) from a typhoon. Yuki expresses that he only acts nice for himself, it’s not because he’s a nice person. He’s jealous that Kyo (the tsundere) can easily make friends and that’s why he’s nice. He wants to be liked. Tohru tells him that everyone has their own kindness that develops through their experiences. Yuki’s “is like a candle. It suddenly lights up” (Takaya, Vol. 1, 131-137).
            Another theme pops up as she is talking to Kyo as she makes rice balls with him. She mentions that he’s really good at making them and someone who’s been trying to learn would be jealous. He responds with that’s dumb. She comes up with the analogy that everyone has great qualities they cannot see in themselves because they’re like pickled plums that stick to rice. They’re stuck on someone’s back. Everyone else can see them except the person they’re stuck to. Kyo is a wonderful person (Takaya, Vol. 1, 262-267). This theme is important because it helps Tohru develop relationships with the other characters that pop up in the series. She can see everyone’s good qualities regardless of what trauma they’ve been through and how they lash out at those around them. She heals by accepting them for who they are, zodiac spirits and all.
            Takaya’s writing style helps keep the audience at ease as she tackles the hard topics of trauma. This easy-to-read format makes Tohru an effective protagonist. We find out that one of the other zodiac members, Hatori, fell in love only to have to erase his love’s memories after they tried to get permission from the family head, Akito, to marry. Akito lashed out and caused Hatori to go mostly blind in one eye, and his love, Kana, was mentally broken because she thought it was all her fault (Takaya, Vol. 1,  374-395).
            This introduces Akito as Tohru’s “rival” in this series. This is evidenced by Yuki telling Tohru’s friends “She (Tohru) deserves the moon but would never ask for it” (Takaya, Vol. 1, 224) versus Akito saying that he wants the moon (242). This is an excellent way to introduce and show the differences between Tohru and Akito. The narrative style follows a third person omnipotent view. The story is told mostly through dialogue and various character inner monologues. This is effective because the audience can get a clearer picture of what’s going on. The flashbacks are relevant to the story and help us understand what each character has gone through up to the point of the story.
            The largest problems I have with Takaya’s narrative is the story moves slowly and Tohru is a passive protagonist. If you’re not paying attention to the small details, you’ll miss how the relationships develop. The other important thing is the ending for this first volume is sad and nostalgic at the same time. It’s just the daily life of an average girl who stumbled into a supernatural family.
            Overall, I’d say this series is worth checking out and is one of my favorites because it brings a refreshing take on love through deep connections. Love is more than just romance. Be [1]prepared to fall for this series over and over through bittersweet heartache and blissful triumph.
Takaya, Natsuki. “Fruits Basket Collector’s Edition”. Volume 1, 2016, Yen Press.
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starrynightkyoru · 1 year ago
My Fruits Basket struggles
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Me when Tohru/hana/Uo or the other zodiacs are on screen
When Akito and Shigure is on screen/ is the focus
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readtilyoudie · 2 years ago
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Missions of Love Vol 14
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ultraericthered · 1 year ago
The latter:
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a They Deserve Each Other shipping scale where on one end of the axis you have the “no one else is good enough for them” ships, and on the other end you have the ships that need to be together monogamously forever as a quarantine measure. whatever the fuck is wrong with both of them must be contained for the greater good.
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tomijeij · 17 hours ago
Literally just me yapping about fruits baskets
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I literally love Fruits Basket so much cause I just love how the story between kyo and tohru is connected in some way with kyo being close with tohrus mom and ever since he was a kid, he always wanted to be with torhu, since he watched her be alone while her mom was a work.
And don't get me started on when they met and how kyo was surprised to see tohru in shigures house.
(I just had to get this out cause the prelude just brought everything together for their story)
Another thing I just love abt the anime was the the fact that every character had their own individual story that brought them to be like themselves today. Take like rin and haru for example, like rin was mistreated by akito just because she was a girl and oddly looked like akitos mother but haru was always by rin side, supporting her even if she didn't want him around.
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I didn't proofread this at all since I'm lazy so sorry if the wording didn't make any sense, I just wanted to talk about fruits basket lol. (No joke with anime is this greatest work of fiction I have absorbed ever)
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dixondean · 1 year ago
I would die for kyoru
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aclockworkreader · 20 days ago
How do you feel about the romanticized age gaps in fruits basket? Also I appreciate your videos so much, sending lots of love
kureno and uotani are a crime. first of all because she’s a child and second of all because she’s a lesbian. her and hanajima are literally in love and no one can convince me otherwise.
tohru’s parents are obviously the worst crime of all and i didn’t even know how old she was (or that she was his student 🤢) until after i finished it because i don’t think they ever explicitly say it in the show? i think they were trying to rewrite that to modernize it a bit because literally wtf
shigure and akito are something else because with the amount of trauma and fucked up shit going on there, that age difference might be the least of their problems
that show is genuinely reads like horror to me. and there are plot points you have to rewrite in your head sometimes. it’s a romance, so it can be silly and fun. but mostly it’s traumatic and dark and weird and i love it 🍙
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adiis1317 · 3 months ago
MDNI: I will not roleplay with you if you’re a minor OR an ageless profile.
Hello! I’m a 20 y/o genderfluid person. I’m looking for a fandom romance plot. I’m looking for someone 18+ to play one or more characters for my oc. If you played two or more it would either be a love triangle or poly relationship, we can talk about which would be preferred. If discussed, I’m not opposed to doubling up and am willing to play multiple canon characters for your oc as well. I’d play a girl or non-binary OC. Please be open to smut with build. I will not do bxb smut. This will have mainly romance and drama in it. No one liners. I’d like at least 1 paragraph and for it to be in 3rd person. I don’t have any specific plot in mind, but I’m down to discuss one. I’ll definitely take suggestions for how you want the plot to go and we can brainstorm more ideas together. I roleplay mainly on discord, but I am new to roleplaying on there, so if you’d prefer somewhere else, that can be discussed. Comment or like this post if you’re interested and I’ll reach out!
The fandoms I do and who my character can be paired with (beware, there’s a lot, I’ll put a ❤️ next to characters I prefer):
-Haikyu (Tobio Kageyama, Shoyo Hinata, Kenma Kozume❤️, Tetsurō Kuroo, Yuu Nishinoya, Ryūnoske Tanaka❤️, Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara❤️, Tooru Oikawa❤️, Hajime Iwaizumi❤️, Keiji Akaashi, Kōtarō Bokuto, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kei Tsukishima❤️, Chikara Ennoshita, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Satori Tendō❤️, Eita Semi, Kenjirō Shirabu, Kentarō “Mad Dog” Kyōtani, Akira Kunimi, Morisuke Yaku, Yūtarō Kindaichi, Taketora Yamamoto, Yūji Terushima, Lev Haiba, Tsutomu Goshiki, Issei Matsukawa, Atsumu Miya❤️, Shinsuke Kita, Rintarō Suna, Osamu Miya, Kanji Koganegawa, Takahiro Hanamaki, Takanobu Aone, Kenji Futakuchi, and Kiyoko Shimizu)
-My Hero Academia (MHA) (Shouta Aizawa, Mina Ashido, Tenya Iida, Ochaco Uraraka❤️, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Kyoka Jirou, Hanta Sero, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou❤️, Izuku Midoriya, Momo Yaoyorozu, Dabi❤️, Hitoshi Shinsou❤️, Hawks❤️, Tamaki Amajiki, Mei Hatsume, Neito Monoma❤️, Fumikage Tokoyami, Mezou Shoji, Natsuo Todoroki, Spinner, Miruko, Himiko Toga❤️)
-Fruits Basket (Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Isuzu “Rin” Sohma, Kyo Sohma❤️, Shigure Sohma❤️, and Kakeru Manabe)
-Danganronpa (Kyoko Kirigiri, Makoto Naegi, Toko Fukawa❤️, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Chihiro Fujisaki, Junko Enoshita, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, Byakuya Togami❤️, Sonia Nevermind, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu❤️, Chiaki Nanami❤️, Gundham Tanaka, Hiyoko Saionji (only in her grown up form), Ibuki Mioda, Mikan Tsumiki, Nagito Komaeda❤️, Kazuichi Souda, Kaede Akamatsu, Kokichi Ouma❤️, Maki Hurakawa❤️, Miu Iruma, Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara, and Tenko Chabashira)
-Stardew Valley (Base game: Emily, Jodi, Maru, Robin, Haley❤️, Abigail, Leah, Shane, Elliot, Harvey, Sam❤️, and Sebastian❤️. SVE characters: Claire, Olivia, Scarlett, Sophia, and Victor. RSV characters: Alissa, Anton, Belinda, Blair, Corine, Daia, Faye, Flor❤️, Ian, Irene, Jio❤️, June, Kenneth, Kiarra, Maddie, Paula, Raeriyala, Sean❤️, Shiro, and Ysabelle❤️)
-Horimiya (Hori❤️, and Miyamura❤️(preferably would like to be in a polycule with both of them))
-Minecraft Diaries (Laurence❤️, Travis❤️, Nicole, and Dante❤️)
-My Street/Pheonix Drop High/Falcon Claw Univeristy (Laurence❤️, and Travis❤️)
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aleapintoreverie · 8 months ago
kyo x kagura
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fruits basket (2019)
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cinderella-ish · 3 months ago
New Fruits Basket Fic Recs!
Since I posted my initial batch of fic recs, I've come across several more I want to recommend! Some of these were just hidden in my bookmarks and didn't get posted back then; some I *thought* I'd bookmarked but hadn't, and most of them are new to me since August. I'll be adding them to the various sub-lists later this evening. Hope you see something you like!
5 Times Shigure Claimed to be Selfish + 1 Time He Admitted the Truth, by TolkienScholar23 T | Gen - Shigure & others | WIP | Hurt/Comfort "If you're looking for somebody to help you, I'm quite possibly the last man you should be asking. I'm weak, unsympathetic, and utterly worthless--the worst kind of man." So Shigure insists, and most people don't question him… and yet, somehow, his younger cousins tend to find themselves on his doorstep every time they're in trouble.
A Little Trip to Heaven, by ThreeCows101 E | Tohru/Akito | Short Story | Dark Akito isn't jealous. She just needs to see what's all the fuss about.
At Least We're Being Honest, by blackiceboba T | Kakeru/Yuki | Short Story | Fluff & Romance Yuki tries to tell Kakeru about the curse. Manabe thinks he's saying something else. Awkwardness ensues.
Be Here Now, by 8_characters_or_less NR | Tohru/Kyo | WIP | Angst & Hurt/Comfort 3 years after the Soma curse breaks, Tohru and Kyo have been living a peaceful life away from the trauma of the past. But all of that is about to change as Kyo is diagnosed with cancer.
Building Zero Thirteen, by hillnerd G | Tohru/Kyo | WIP | Drama & Romance Tohru has a new job at the Sohma estate- she finds herself given new duties bringing food to a mysterious figure on the estate- all she knows about them is they don't speak to her and don't seem to enjoy leeks or onion.
Burnished and Broken, by AnxietyAvocado T | Tohru/Kyo | WIP | Angst & Hurt/Comfort Akito got her endless banquet, but her Zodiac is no longer hers in heart and mind. Yuki is back at Akito's side, and he knows he needs to do whatever he can to help Kyo through his confinement. Tohru is living on her own, but with the Sohmas-- especially Kyo-- missing from her life, she feels adrift. Their stories converge once more as the younger Sohmas work to free Kyo and find a way to create their own happy endings, including bringing Tohru back into their lives.
The Cost for Silence, by AveSolace T | Tohru/Kyo, Machi/Yuki, Haru/Rin | Novel | Drama & Suspense Someone has an axe to grind with the Sohmas. Whether over money, business, legal issues, or some other grudge, someone has managed to find the perfect piece of blackmail to use against them. And this person is willing to keep the incriminating evidence to themselves--for a price.
Dreaming of Spring, by CalebCleveland T | Tohru/Kyo, Katsuya/Kyoko | WIP | Drama On an early spring morning, Shigure wakes from a dream.
Heart-to-Heart, by eroshiyda G | Gen - Saki & Momiji | Flash Fiction | Angst Hana and Momiji talk about their feelings.
How to Accidentally Terrify Your Entire Family, by itsalreadyhalloweenright G | Gen - Hajime & his sister | Short Story | Fluff & Humor Shirasi Sohma, youngest of Kyo and Tohru Sohma, desperately misses her brother Hajime after he's moved far away for high school. So one Friday, she decides to through some clothes into the bottom of her backpack and take the train to go see him for the weekend. Without telling anybody ahead of time.
I'd Do it All Again for You, by Oinkadoink T | Tohru/Kyo | WIP | Angst & Drama Someone falls off the cliff, but it isn’t Tohru. Fate isn’t as kind to them. In spite of this, Tohru's resolve to keep Kyo from being caged doesn't waver. It just gets a little more complicated.
In a Year or So E | Kureno/Akito | Short Story | Angst & Dark Kureno, through the seasons
Left Wanting T | Tohru/Kyo | WIP (discontinued) | Drama & Romance Tohru Honda, newly graduated but not sure what she wants to do in life, lives with her best friends Uotani and Hanajima in an apartment. She gets a job working for the infamous Sohma family as just another maid for some of the lesser family members’ homes. But when Tohru unexpectedly gets reassigned to one of the Inner Circle family member’s houses, she accidentally uncovers the very dark secret the Inner Family has been hiding from the world.
Locked Up but Not Locked Away, by RoseWolf133198 T | Tohru/Kyo | Novella | Hurt/Comfort & Romance After the Somha Family curse takes on a different form, Kyo’s released from his cage due to mysterious circumstances. Once back at home,will the orange cat of the zodiac be up for a sweet reunion with his riceball.
The Nine Lives of Kyo Sohma, by 8_characters_or_less NR | Gen | WIP | Angst, Fluff, & Hurt/Comfort Collection of oneshots about Kyo
not every wound will heal, by blue_crabs_from_maryland T | Gen | Short Story | Angst & Hurt Comfort The kids aren't all right.
of cats and curses, by faerialchemist T | Tohru/Kyo, Adora/Catra | Short Story | Crossover with She-Ra and the Princesses of Power “I’ve only seen these cats get so excited about someone sitting outside a pet store with one other person in my entire life,” a warm and almost suffocatingly kind voice said, snapping Catra out of her thoughts. “And he had that same disgruntled expression that you do. Poor kitties try to make friends with the very people who don’t want to be made friends with.”
our dreams are not our own, by AnxietyAvocado G | Tohru/Kyo | Short Story | Angst & Romance they say that your dreams are your soulmate's memories
Please, Let Her Live, by goldfishoflove G | Tohru/Kyo | Short Story | Angst Sohma Kyou doesn't pray. Why would you, when you've met your god and she hates you? After Tohru's fall, Kyou is desperate, and Akito hears him.
reaching across years, by ohmygodwhy T | Gen - Ayame & Yuki | Short Story | Angst Shigure had sounded serious. A little bit regretful. And then he’d asked Ayame to go to their parents’ house and collect some of Yuki’s things, if he wouldn’t mind, like clothes and textbooks and his extra inhaler and such. Ayame had said: okay. Shigure sounded surprised, like maybe he didn’t actually expect Ayame to agree to help, but Ayame said, again: okay. I’ll do it. I’ll do it tomorrow, in fact.
Spring Fever, by EmilNomel E | Tohru/Momiji | Novelette | Smut Kyo is gone and a lonely Tohru goes to check on Momiji, who's home with a fever. But Tohru doesn't know that what Momiji has come down with is "Spring fever", thanks to his rabbit spirit wreaking havoc with his hormones. Momiji tries to keep her away, but once she arrives, the heat of the fever begins to overtake them both.
The Sun Will Shine Again, Someday G | Gen - Kyo & Yuki | Short Story | Angst Tohru had a fever. Just a little thing, that's all it was. Too much stress, too much worry. It really shouldn't have had the effect it did. Instead of getting better, she got worse. She emphatically refused Hatori's help. She said she was feeling better that evening and that she was tired and wanted to go to bed. The last thing I'd said to her was, "Shut up and go to sleep, then." So she did. And she didn't wake up. Not the next day or the day after or any day after that. In fact, she never woke up again.
this isn't easy, it isn't clear, by lucybeee T | Tohru/Kyo, also Kyo & Yuki | Novelette | Hurt/Comfort "I don't know anything about babies," Kyo blurts. Yuki chokes on a sip of water and coughs a little. "Uh...excuse me?"
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